Kính chào quý vị,

    On behalf of the VN-Families Admins, we would like to thank you for
reading this message.

    For those of you who specifically applied for membership, we would
like to thank you and express our appreciation for your interest in our

    For those of you who read this message out of curiosity, we would
like you to read carefully the vision, mission, values, objectives, and
methods of VN-Families.  If you feel like sharing the values and dreams
of VN-Families, we would like you to apply for membership.  All you need
to do is to mail your request to:

    Attached is the VN-Families by-laws.  Please take time to read it
thoroughly, especially the postings guidelines.  If you have any
questions or suggestions for improvement, please send them to

    Chúc quý vị và gia đình thân tâm thường an lạc..


                        Continuous Improvement is Our Best Friend

                            GIA DINH VIET NAM

                      VN-Families (v. 5.0, 9-Feb-2005)


    The Vietnamese community must last forever.  Since strong families
are the foundation of a strong, viable community, the community should
take steps to ensure that its members, single as well as married, find
opportunities for growth, prosperity, and happiness.  Those members who
have already found these opportunities should, in turn, share them with
the rest of the community.

    VN-Families is a non-political, non-profit, semi-closed family.  It
exists to serve members' needs for happiness, growth, and fellowship.
VN-Families is committed to facilitating, building, and maintaining
healthy Vietnamese families for members.


    To provide married Vietnamese members with opportunities to network
and exchange useful knowledge and experience in the area of family life.

    To provide unmarried Vietnamese members with opportunities to learn
from married members.

    To provide unmarried Vietnamese members with opportunities to meet,
know, befriend, or marry other singles who are likely to share similar

    To provide all members with opportunities for fellowship and mutual


    Consideration (eg., praising in public, but criticizing in private),
    Continuous improvement,
    Harmony (eg., no personal feud, no personal attack on public channels),
    La`nh ma.nh (eg., no obscene language, no dirty story/joke),
    Modesty (khie^m nhu+o+.ng),
    One-for-all and all-for-one, in that order,
    Politeness (eg., no unkind remark/joke against women),
    Positive thinking,
    Respect (eg., giving due respect to the audience, especially the senior
        and the silent ones),
    Sensitivity to the diversity among us,
    Seriousness of purpose,
    Trustworthiness (but don't rule out verification),
    Vietnamism (eg., integrating the best of Vietnamese values with
            the best of the world's).


    (Quality and quantity should go hand in hand.  But, when a conflict
    between these two may arise, the former will be favorably

    More than 95% of articles posted should meet the VN-Families "standards".
    More than 95% of members should find value, ownership and pride in
        belonging to VN-Families.


    VN-Families has one public forum that you may want to subscribe to:


    VN-Families is a semi-closed list. Only members can post.  The posting 
address is VN-Families@saigon.com.

    To apply for membership or to unsubscribe, all you need to do is go to 
and follow its instructions:

    Or, just send an email to VN-Families@saigon.com, and then we will
take care of the rest.    

    Postings can be in Vietnamese or English.  VN-Families encourages
every member to be as fluent in Vietnamese as in any other language.

    Since VN-Families is more idealistic and focused, and has higher
aspirations than most forums, it is likely that some new members may
unknowingly act in such a way that, while acceptable in other forums, is
nonetheless contradictory to the philosophy of this family.  Thus, it is
advisable that new members delay their first attempt to post long enough
(eg., three weeks) until they have had a chance to observe for
themselves the common practices in this forum.  All members (especially
the more senior ones) should familiarize with and act in accordance with
the latest by-laws, because they above all others should set a high
standard and model the ideals for this family.

    In fact, VN-Families is a family (of families), not just a group of
forums.  The forum (VN-Families) is just a means to the end -- 
best Vietnamese families for members.

    Please do not post anything that may not interest
that may not be helpful toward building the best Vietnamese families.

    VN-Families constantly encourages members and Admins to look for
ways to build up VN-Families and to take concrete steps to make more
positive and beneficial differences in members' individual lives and
families.  In whatever way we can, let's work together to contribute our
hearts, minds, and energy to make VN-Families so beneficial that a day
will come that almost all members will choose to be with VN-Families for
life.  This is one-for-all, and all-for-one -- at its best.


    Any member who seriously or persistently violates this by-laws may
be removed from this mailing list.  The removal usually occurs after
one, two, or three friendly criticisms from Admins have been sent (the
number depends on the severity of the alleged offense).  When a
membership is terminated, notification and an explanation will be


    Respect the VN-Families' values.

    Any posting should begin with a respectful greeting (eg., Cha`o ca'c
anh chi.; or Cha`o ca'c ba.n; or Dear all) and end with a signature.
Also, please do not precede one's signature with an indication of
modesty (eg, "my two cents").  I think it is unnecessary because if
modesty is practiced, it will show in the content of the message.
Besides, VN-Families encourages writers to think before they write, and
when this happens, their messages are worth more than "two cents."

    If one feels compelled to criticize another, please do so in
private.  (This rule does not apply if the perceived wrong-doer belongs
to Admins).

    Be considerate of the audience's time and their mailboxes' space
limitations.  If you respond to a message, please include AS LITTLE
AS possible the original message.

    If the message is a pure "me too" statement, or if the message does
not add any useful knowledge or effects to all or most of the audience,
please do not post on the main forum.  Such a message, however, can have
a place in VN-Families-Gen or be sent directly to the initiator.  For
example, a new member unaware of this guideline, poses the question:
How big is the earth?  If you choose to reply, please send your reply
directly to that person only.

    Subjects for discussion, depth of discussion, and languages used
on the main forum and in the magazine should be tasteful to the whole
audience.  When in doubt, be conservative.  VN-Families does not want to
embarrass or corrupt anyone (eg., children, young teens, the elderly) who
may read VN-Families postings.

    When writing for the main forum, try to inform, educate, and
inspire.  It is hoped that in the process of writing, the author tries
to make friends to most of us too.  Keep in mind of the ultimate
objective of VN-Families is to build best Vietnamese families.

    Remember when writing for the main forum, you are addressing to the
whole audience, not a person or a small group of persons.  Why?  Because
even though a subject is initiated by a person, once it is posted, it
becomes a public subject.  Thus, it is nice if a "Dear XYZ" letter is
written as "Dear all" before it is sent to the main forum.  Else, it
should be sent privately to XYZ.

    Finally, when writing, it helps to think that you are speaking to an
audience of 1000+ people.  They want respect, and so do you.


    The homepage (and FAQ, etc.) can be accessed at: http://vmddtech.com/vn-families/